RESOURCES - Nutrition & Physical Activity

The Comida Sana, Vida Activa (CSVA) program is a program funded by a grant from the Network For Healthy California to The YMCA Silicon Valley, in collaboration with Region 5 After School Partnerships.
Developing healthy habits and creating healthier environments dramatically improves the quality of life for children and families and enables everyone to thrive. The Comida Sana, Vida Activa Program has three main goals:
1) Increase Food Security
2) Improve Eating Habits
3) Increase Physical Activity Levels
Through leveraged partnerships among afterschool program (ASP) providers throughout Region 5, 128 ASP sites will be targeted in Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, serving at least 9,216 students. Most of the targeted families and students are low-income Hispanic, the majority of which qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. Together, we will provide services to at least 8,000 family members through direct and indirect nutrition education, increasing family access to healthy foods and opportunities for physical education. Comida Sana, Vida Activa addresses SNAP-Ed (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education) priorities using a multifaceted approach that targets individuals, social group, organizations, environments and systems. Our primary strategy will be to build the capacity of ASP provider leadership, site coordinators and line staff to work effectively with children, families, school and district administration and the community to meet the project’s goals.
The program team will be comprised of a Grant Director, a Registered Dietician and two Program Assistants. In addition, an Independent Evaluator will be hired to oversee the grant evaluation. YMCA ASP staff and administrators will provide in-kind support, along with the Region 5 Lead. Key partnerships will include officials from the Region’s County Public Health Departments and staff of various school districts.
Participating Sites Will Receive:
1. Staff training on nutrition education curricula and/or structured physical activity
2. On-going consultation and coaching support to develop a sustainable program
3. A mini-grant opportunity of $1,000.00
4. Incentives for participating children and their families (water bottles, wrist bands, etc.)