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21st Century community Learning Centers (CCLC) serving grades K-12 and Summer:

The California Department of Education’s After School Division expects the next 21st CCLC Request for Application (RFA) to be released in Fall 2020. 21st CCLC grants are awarded through a competitive process. Successful applicants are awarded 5-year grants, subject to good standing. 


Minimum Eligibility to Apply: 1) 40% or more of school site population receives free and reduced priced meals 2) Public, Non-profit, For-profit entities eligible to apply in partnership with a Local Education Agency (LEA). 3) LEAs may also apply directly.


RFAs can be found on the CDE website:



After School Education and Safety (ASES) serving grades K-8 (9th grade only if affiliated with a Jr. High):

ASES is a 3-year renewable grant awarded to Local Educational Agencies (LEA) based on Free and Reduced Priced Meal percentage rankings.


Minimum Eligibility to Apply: 1) 50% or more of school site population receives free and reduced priced meals 2) Local Education Agency (LEA) must be applicant, but can partner with other entities.

Region 5 Expanded Learning | ReV Up LIVE 2021. Virtual Conference. For more information please contact:

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Region 5 Expanded Learning Partnerships

Monterey County Office of Education | 901 Blanco Circle, Salinas, CA 93912 | Ph: 831-755-0369 | Fx: 831-755-0367

© 2015

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