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RESOURCES - Staff Qualifications


Minimum after school staff qualifications are dictated by district policy and standards are most often set by the qualifications for a school’s Paraprofessional or Instructional Aid position. Most district and community based organization (CBO) sub-contractors comply with the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) guidelines for Title 1 programs.


A valuable resource for the development of job descriptions and professional development plans is the “California Core Competencies for Before/After School Professionals” developed by after school program Regional Leads from regions 3, 5, 10 & 11. 


If you have questions about the document or would like to obtain a needs assessment for staff, please contact Mara Wold, Region 5 Lead at




Each county in Region 5 has a local Workforce Investment Board (WIB) that oversees the strategic use of federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) dollars to support the training and placement of qualified workers into private and public sector jobs. There are a variety of programs delivered through local One-Stop Career Centers which cater to youth, adult, and dislocated workers. If you are looking for staff to fill direct service or administrative positions in your after school program, this may be a good place to start.  Below are the links to our region's local WIBs.


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Region 5 Expanded Learning Partnerships

Monterey County Office of Education | 901 Blanco Circle, Salinas, CA 93912 | Ph: 831-755-0369 | Fx: 831-755-0367

© 2015

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